Slowdairy's tattoo ticket
Admit 1 for a cool tattoo! This ticket grants you permission to use one of my existing drawings (on instagram @slowdairy) for a kewl new tattoo. I'd love if you send thru pics when you get it!
✧ This is a ONE-USE ticket a.ka. one tattoo, this does not give permission to use my designs for anything else
✧ This ticket cannot be shared with others, it's just for you!
✧ This is not a physical item, therefore no shipping and 4 anyone worldwide!
✧ If you require a PNG, leave a note and your contact details in the notes at checkout
✧ No refunds or cancellations please
✧ No major changes to my design! If designs need to be altered by your artist for better translation into tattoo (e.g. line width, shading, colour), they can, but do ask me first
This ticket give permission for ONLY what is stated above. Completing this purchase means that you agree to the above terms and conditions.